Paul Abraham
Born in Switzerland, now living in Montreal, Paul Abraham is an internationally respected multidisciplinary artist working with paint, sculpture, videos, and 3D imaging. Graduate of the École Duperré Paris in graphic design, Paul continued his education at the École nationale supérieur des arts décoratifs (EnsAD) of Paris and finished his studies with Art Spiegelman at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) of New York City. Returning to France he begins his career as an artistic director and illustrator for major accounts including Éditions Rivages, Gaz de France, Ville d’Aix-en-Provence and more. Paul then moves to Martinique where he teaches at the École des Beaux Arts de Fort de France. In 1993, he makes a move to Montreal, Canada where he pursues his career as an artistic director and filmmaker, then eventually decides to fully focus on painting. Since his first solo show at the Joyce Yahouda Gallery in 2008, Paul has participated in events such as Art Souterrain, been the recipient of several grants from the Conseil des Arts et des lettres du Québec, and regularly exhibits throughout Canada. His artwork is currently part of the Arsenal Contemporary Art collection, a major art venue in Montreal.